Directed by brothers Vahid and Navid Nami, the Iranian short film ‘Delirium’ will have its international premiere at the Shorts2 section of the 23rd edition of Bucheon International Fantastic Film Festival (BIFAN) in South Korea.
“For anyone that opposes the dictatorship, the smallest punishment is to have an ear cut off. On a rainy night, a man finds an ear on the ground,” reads the synopsis of the film.
288 films from 49 countries, including 170 features and 118 shorts, are taking part at this year’s BIFAN, with a theme on “love, fantasy, and adventure”, and the specialized theme for the 23rd edition, Sci-fi.
BIFAN’s official competition section, Bucheon Choice, is divided into feature films and shorts, and it comprises films with an outlook of the world that goes beyond common sense, have an original style, and show the progress and experimentation that is being done in terms of the grammar of genre, according to the event’s website.
The 23rd edition of the South Korean film festival will run for 11 days from June 27 to July 7.
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